Vancouver Real Estate Market Update Reports / East Surrey Real Estate Market Update Forecast Report / Moss Moloney:Market Update: Surrey

 The Surrey Real Estate Market Reports.
Index  Abbotsford,  Mission  ChilliwackLangley,  Surrey White Rock,    East vrs West  
Richmond,  East Van,  North VanBurnaby Coquitlam,  Maple Ridge

Surrey Real Estate Market Update Nov 6  2011

This is the Surrey Market Interview with Moss Moloney from RE/Max Performance as we review the economic ripple effects of the Seaspan ship building contract in North Vancouver. Listen to the video cast to see how this $8 billion dollar federal contract will effect Surrey and your neighbourhood.


Archives: Aug 2011


Bill Coughlin
"Realtor and Lifestyle Consultant"

604-217-3992 cell                            [email protected]

Exp Realty

Market Updates
from the local Experts

Bill Coughlin
Exp Realty

call me 1-778-374-3744
Email: [email protected]







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