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How are you going to create a Buyers Feeding Frenzy on our home?


        Do you plan to Show Every Day?

Most agents organize showings throughout the day, all week long.

This means each buyer believes they are the only one interested and will offer a lower price for your home.


What is your negotiation strategy?

Buyer’s fighting over your home is good Strategy!

Critical Skill: By grouping all your week's worth of buyers into ONE Showing Time creates the Auction Effect
You will be losing 50% of all your Competing Offers and about 8.7% of the bid up Sales Price if you do this right.



At CoughlinTeam, we do not show from Monday to Friday if possible

We group all the buyers into one weekend Open House

When all buyers need to line up to get in your home ..
that creates a feeding frenzy!
Learn More


Our Action Plan:

We schedule an Open House on the weekend from 1-3 pm,
specifically for qualified buyers.


There are three primary benefits to this strategy;

Firstly, it doesn't exhaust you the seller to maintain show-ready conditions throughout the week.

Secondly, we want to Co-Host all showings if possible. We want to be the expert on the values, all the features of your property and want to make sure all showings get the Big Sale Pitch Directly.

Thirdly, it demonstrates to buyers just how popular your home is, and they realize they must compete with an offer at a higher price.


This is how we create an Auction-Like Marketing environment, resulting in:

an average of 4.7 offers per listing within 9 days

a sale price that's 8.7% over the list price on average

a sale price that’s over BC assessments by 11% on average in 2022-2023







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